I’m just here for the funzies lul :D

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I am wondering, what is enjoyable about Windows/Microsoft?

    The slow & buggy UI?

    The blue screens due to crappy drivers or bc they fucked something up?

    The way they erase any customisability, essentially forcing their users to adapt their vision of how a computer should be operated?

    How they are coming up with great ideas such as taking system snapshots and having AI analyze them?

    The updates that randomly decide to install and then take an eternity with the end user not being able to use their PC whilst an update is taking place?

    The 10.000 different ways of updating software?

    How they are blatantly ripping off features whilst marketing them as their own ideas?

    The way they are turning it more and more into an advertising platform for their own products?

    The $139.00 license fee for everything I just mentioned?

    Like, the only enjoyable thing I can think of is software availability but thanks to WINE / Proton this advantage is becoming less and less relevant.

    • Flatpak is open source, Snap isn’t
    • Flatpak allows other repositories besides the official one, therefore having the ability to be decentralised, Snap doesn’t
    • Canonical (the company behind Snap and Ubuntu) is hated for some past decisions they made with Ubuntu
    • and more

    (The only thing I really prefer Snap over Flatpak is that you need the whole package name in Flatpak (like com.valvesoftware.Steam for Steam) whilst you can simply use “steam” in snap but that’s due to decentralisation vs centralisation I guess and overall a minor problem for me)

  • I can totally see your point there. I wished for Nato to be gone and even tho my view has slightly shifted, I definitely see the criticism. As for political reforms, I mainly back them because they suit my views, but of course that doesn’t necessarily mean they are objectively good. It’s a hard one. I mean, of course: if it was that easy, we probably wouldn’t have heated discussions about it.

    And in conflict, truth is what dies first, so my main hope for the future is that the past becomes clearer.

    Idk if you will find it ironic, but what I hate most about the war besides people dying is, that I cannot even wear my grandpa’s NVA uniform at Halloween without getting those weird (is he really backing THOSE GUYS) looks. This pigeonhole black-and-white-thinking makes me sick because it splits instead of unifying us in a time where the Far-Right is on the rise.