Porn viewers in Virginia, Arkansas, and Mississippi are now met with a video imploring them to contact their representatives about age-verification laws.

    1 year ago

    My feeling is, these states are making choices based on the beliefs of the elected officials. If the citizens of the states disagree with the elected officials, they have two possible reactions - move, or elect new officials whose beliefs coincide with the majority of the electorate. I have no problem with these state laws. I also have no problem with people moving (as I actually plan to do), to be with people whose beliefs better coincide with theirs. Pornhub absolutely is right to advocate, since they’re a business being hurt by legislative action. I support their right to protest and advocate, and I hope that they’re still making enough profit that they’re not forced to capitulate and do something against their beliefs. I also support the state governments, and hope that the populace will make a clear decision.

        1 year ago

        some kind of libertarian

        There is only one kind of libertarian - the worst kind. Modern libertarianism is just a cover story for fascist, racist beliefs and they are anathema to a functioning society. State governments in the US have been created in a lopsided image by corporations and religious zealots by gaming the election system to promote their financial well being (yes, religion is just another business these days). A true libertarian would find any kind of law like this to be government over-reach and an imposition on personal expression and enjoyment. “Vote with your feet” is a nice sentiment for the rich and well connected, but is impractical for most people in today’s society.

        These politicians are knee-jerking to the religious right who want these things banned because it scares them. They will make up any excuse or lie to support their case. They will point to sex trafficking and slavery as the result of pornography, and will throw up foolish road blocks - like this law - as a purported way to save the children, but will never raise a finger or donate a penny to support sex trafficking victims or victims of abuse because they feel that those people deserve their fate for not following their religion.