• Big Tech is lying about some AI risks to shut down competition, a Google Brain cofounder has said.
  • Andrew Ng told The Australian Financial Review that tech leaders hoped to trigger strict regulation.
  • Some large tech companies didn't want to compete with open source, he added.
  • henfredemars@infosec.pub
    11 months ago

    Some days it looks to be a three-way race between AI, climate change, and nuclear weapons proliferation to see who wipes out humanity first.

    But on closer inspection, you see that humans are playing all three sides, and still we are losing.

    • xapr@lemmy.sdf.org
      11 months ago

      AI, climate change, and nuclear weapons proliferation

      One of those is not like the others. Nuclear weapons can wipe out humanity at any minute right now. Climate change has been starting the job of wiping out humanity for a while now. When and how is AI going to wipe out humanity?

      This is not a criticism directed at you, by the way. It's just a frustration that I keep hearing about AI being a threat to humanity and it just sounds like a far-fetched idea. It almost seems like it's being used as a way to distract away from much more critically pressing issues like the myriad of environmental issues that we are already deep into, not just climate change. I wonder who would want to distract from those? Oil companies would definitely be number 1 in the list of suspects.

      • P03 Locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        11 months ago

        Agreed. This kind of debate is about as pointless as declaring self-driving cars are coming out in 5 years. The tech is way too far behind right now, and it's not useful to even talk about it until 50 years from now.

        For fuck's sake, just because a chatbot can pretend it's sentient doesn't mean it actually is sentient.

        Some large tech companies didn’t want to compete with open source, he added.

        Here. Here's the real lead. Google has been scared of AI open source because they can't profit off of freely available tools. Now, they want to change the narrative, so that the government steps in regulates their competition. Of course, their highly-paid lobbyists will by right there to write plenty of loopholes and exceptions to make sure only the closed-source corpos come out on top.

        Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. Oldest fucking trick in the book.