In the last week:

I started using Syncthing. I was using cloud storage as a way of copying files from one device to another. Syncthing is so much better.

I signed up with Mullvad VPN yesterday.

Deleted my Surfshark account today which I signed up with over two years ago when I didn’t care about privacy.

Finally convinced my sister to start using Signal.

  • Try giving RSS reader a fair chance. Most website do have a functioning RSS or atom feed, its often not advertised. Switch the view to page source and search for RSS or atom or feed. It might be tedious to setup but the end result is worth it.

    Not all websites send full articles over RSS, but you can always open those in a browser.

    • Cryptic
      1 year ago

      Is there a RSS reader you prefer? I’m looking at the guide and I’m not seeing one that’s available for web AND Android. It’s either one or the other. Perhaps I should just use Feeder (Android only) and not bother with web?

      • I’m currently using RSSGuard. I also have used and liked using NewsFlash and Akregator. I recommend trying all three if you can. Fiddle with the settings to get the desired look and experience, they are flexible apps.

        Only RSS option that is on web and android/iphone is either through nextcloud news. Or try host your own tiny RSS or fresh RSS instance or find a public one you can use? Most RSS reader will let you login with them.

        I prefer to read news and blogs on my computer so I have not tested mobile apps in any way.