Retailers in Europe, like Booths supermarkets, and the United States, like Walmart, are pulling back on having self-checkout in light of complaints and shoplifting.
Do you have the overhead camera that tries to detect theft, and vaults your scanning to have an employee come over and review the footage before you can continue scanning? That’s my favorite.
You missed incessant “place your item in the bagging area” and failing/requiring “assistance” if you scan too fast.
Ya and some of them will let you put your own bags in the bagging area in the start so you can fill your bags as you scan, while others do not.
What I find works pretty well is to have the bag ready and put the first item into it and then set it down on the bAgGiNg ArEa together
Scanned orange juice bottle “wrong item weight. Please wait for assistance.” Yes I have actually encountered this. :(
Do you have the overhead camera that tries to detect theft, and vaults your scanning to have an employee come over and review the footage before you can continue scanning? That’s my favorite.