Ich hoffe mal dass der Supreme Court das Aktuelle Urteil bestätigt(ich denke es wird ziemlich sicher vor diesen gehen).

  • Vegoon@feddit.de
    9 months ago

    Momentan ist seine Argumentation nur dass das für ihn nicht gilt weil er keinen Eid auf die Verfassung geschworen hätte: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-oath-support-constitution-colorado-insurrection-1847482

    In their appeal against the Colorado lawsuit, Trump’s lawyers reiterated that the wording of Section Three does not apply to people running for president and that Trump technically did not swear an oath to “support” the Constitution. Instead, during his January 2017 inauguration, Trump swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution during his role as president.