The only people in the chat seem to be the most racist, homophobic, sexist scumbags. It’s like walking into a 4chan convention… is that you guys? Why is it as soon as anonymity is there, the fucking assholes come out?

If this is the general spirit of piracy, I don’t know if I’m interested

    1 year ago

    Frankly I’ve grown tired of that attitude towards online things, that toxic and hateful behavior should just be something thats expected on the internet. Granted, I’ve done my time in places like 4chan and am completely able to tune it out. I shouldn’t have to bathe myself in that toxic environment just to be able to participate in an online space though. This blase attitude from the neutral online that “its the internet, what did you expect” is precisely what allows fascist and xenophobic communities to grow and thrive unchallenged. I’m just tired of the bullshit. So tired.