Hey guys, it’s pretty much the tittle. I’ve been using Lineage with microg for a year now and despite using the majority of FOSS apps in my routine I still feel like I have to struggle to preserve my privacy and keep Google away from my data. Do you guys feel the same sometimes?

Every time I have to use a banking app is a pain …I kept changing banks to the ones who I could use with Magisk but every app update breaks my setup and I have to find a workaround or change to another app. I just quit using banking apps and passed them all to the wife.Now even home brokers have been blocking me asking to use a “official android version”

Today even a government app we must use to get access to services and information started complaining about my play store.

I self host a nextcloud service on my old desktop that serves as a server but every now and then the updates crash something. Sharing calendar and notes is too complicated if you don’t have a vps or a domain. I keep getting complains from the wife about how come I just don’t use google keep and Google drive anymore.

After a year I’m starting to think that maybe my data is not worth the hassle just to keep big tech out of my digital life… I guess Big Brother wins

What do you say? Am I too lazy or it is unpractical to stay away from big tech?

  • ciferecaNinjo@fedia.io
    1 month ago

    What do you say? Am I too lazy or it is unpractical to stay away from big tech?

    Laziness is what the surveillance advertisers are exploiting. It is everyone’s duty to resist the tyranny of convenience that Tim Wu articulates in a famous essay.

    After a year I’m starting to think that maybe my data is not worth the hassle just to keep big tech out of my digital life… I guess Big Brother wins

    Think of it as boycotting. Exposure of your personal data may not be worth the effort of protecting it, but the big picture is that privacy seekers are not just looking for confidentiality. Privacy is about power and agency. You are exercising your right to boycott a harmful entity. Boycotts are no longer simply a matter of not handing money over, because data is worth money. So boycotting now entails not handing your data over. Giving Google your data feeds Google’s profits.

    So you are really asking, “should I give up the boycott”? The answer is no, because the boycott is not just a duty to yourself; it’s a duty everyone benefits from (except Google).

  • ISOmorph@feddit.org
    1 month ago

    The level of comfort, or rather lack thereof, you’re fine with dictates how you’ll use your devices. Privacy is mandatory to me, so every app that refuses to work with my setup gets the boot. Banking is done in the browser with a separate PIN device. The moment the device gets discontinued I’ll go back to paper or phone like an old person. FOSS apps are FOSS and will break because they don’t have millions of ad money to fund development. I know that and learned to accept that fixing setups is part of my digital life. That’s just one end of the spectrum though. Everyone needs to find their balance with privacy to avoid getting fed up by it.

  • BearOfaTime@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    For banking, can you use a browser instead of the app?

    I do very little banking through my phone - what’s there to do?

    There are some browsers that support sites-as-an-app, such as Cromite and Hermit, that may solve this issue.

      • Vittelius@feddit.org
        1 month ago

        And a lot of others require a special app for 2fa. I for example still need a app when using the website.

        I found that having a second phone (just my old phone) as a dedicated banking device. How often do you need to initiate a bank-transfer while on the go anyway?

  • edric@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    I posted this before when another user posted a similar problem. Obviously yours is particular with google so some parts may not apply, but the gist is that you need to figure out your threat model.

    You need to step back and review your threat model, then figure out the balance point between privacy and convenience/QoL. There is no such thing as complete privacy unless you go completely offline and live like a hermit. So something has to give, and your threat model will help you identify that. Figure out first what exactly you’re protecting, and from who. Then you can assess which ones you will deem non-negotiable when it comes to privacy, some where you can relax a bit in exchange for covenience (and this has levels as well), and lastly the ones where you have no choice because blocking something will make it cease to function. Having this threat model will also help you figure out what extent you would want to expose yourself depending on the service. Don’t put everything into the same tier because that will be impossible. Good luck.

  • Mikina@programming.dev
    1 month ago

    I’m using GrapheneOS, and suprising amount of apps (including my bank app) works without Google Services. And if there’s something I need for work that doesn’t work without them, I have another profile with sandboxed Google play (which isn’t enabled on my main profile), and use the app there, where it’s separated from all of my data. No need to root my phone, and so far it worked great.

    As for sharing your Nextcloud stuff, what I did was for services that need to be public, I just got a cheap (like, few dollars per year) domain and use Cloudflare Tunnel (Cloudflared). It handles all port forwarding for you, and you don’t have to make anything public on your router - just install cloudflared on the server and have it forward the port you want to your domain. You can also set up geoblocking and ACL pretty easily, so it’s perfect for that.

    I’ve however recently moved to using ZeroTier, because it has a nice mobile VPN app, so I just run zerotier (it’s literally two commands to install and join a network) on my server, and if I need to access something there I just launch it on my phone and connect through ZeroTier. This, however, won’t help if you want to share stuff from your server with others, since they’d have to install a ZeroTier client and also join your network. For Jellyfin, Nextcloud and Sunshine, though, it’s amazing.

    And if that still feels like too much hassle for you, I’d recommend looking into Proton Drive. I’d consider that one of the best hassle-free alternatives to GDrive, which launched recently.

  • Randomgal@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    It is. People do it because they enjoy the process or they drank too much of the cool aid.

    Hot take: All you are doing by de googling yourself is denying you the conforts and conveniences Google spends time and money developing.