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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Probably, in the same way Steamboat Mickey is.

    Just part of the whole valuing property, in this case intellectual, over actual labor and people that our species loves so fucking much.

    Imagine if IP from drugs to technology to fiction had a 5-10 year max window before other people could work with and expand on it. It would be a better world for most.

    Oh you only get to make exclusive income on that thing you came up with for SEVERAL YEARS OF YOUR LIFE before you need to contribute in other ways to keep making money, boo fucking hoo. Where’s the sympathy for people working 2 jobs, burning their life up to meet basic needs, who don’t get several years of passive income on an idea that popped into their head 4 years ago.

  • I think marketers should get to take credit for ad campaigns they create, and engineers should get to take credit for technology they create.

    Capitalists just want to take the credit for what others do. Societal leeches. I don’t buy into their false narrative that providing the means of production they hoard out of greed means they deserve most to all of the credit for what they permit talented people to engineer and produce by the swear of their brow and the migraines of their solutions.

    We should be rewarding the Teslas of the world for what they invent, and punishing the Edisons that would claim other’s inventions as their own. But we suck, so we won’t.

  • I believe the first paragraph except colonizing space, at least not without hundreds of years of new technology at the human pace of invention.

    We humans cannot even minimally adequately care for one another or this habitat, the one we evolved from, the most accommodating, self-correcting(to a point), resilient habitat that humanity will EVER know by far, and we’ve been fucking this easy situation up like breathing. Earth isn’t even the “enter your name” part of the interstellar civilization test, that would be colonizing our local moon. No, failing the Earth test is basically taking the test to the bathroom assuming it to be toilet paper.

    Everything else in non-multigenerational reach will be completely and totally unforgiving. Even in the best circumstances, one person going stir crazy if we’re talking about sending real people can literally get everyone else killed, one major failure everybody dead, one major accident everybody dead.

    Sorry, I know most of us are deluded into believing salvation comes from reckless attempts at ready fire aim growth, but if we don’t get this world fully squared away from the consequences of our reckless actions, find homeostasis and successfully meet the needs of the humans here on easy mode Earth, the idea that we can make colonies of hundreds or thousands on our Moon/Titan/Mars is a bad joke.

    We can send 5-20 HIGHLY TRAINED perfect specimens to Mars or Titan to plant a flag and grow potatoes for a few years, and I’m all for that as a human rallying achievement, we really need one of those, but that isn’t the same thing as developing a true, sustainable presence on another world. We’ll have either long since decimated this habitat or pulled out a miracle of finding equilibrium with it long before we’re ready for that.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMy plan is to crumble with it.
    7 months ago

    I quietly take a truly unhealthy regimen of stimulants before I go to the gym, and every man in my lineage either died of or was diagnosed with heart problems.

    A heart attack at the gym sounds like an admirable death, “they died trying to better themselves” kind of thing. Bonus, I look good now.

    Its bullet proof gym motivation too, the worse day I have, the harder I cardio. It’s like depression aikido.

    Me having a morbid thought: “I just want to be dead.”

    Also me, in Morpheus voice: “Show me.”

    Ten years now with that mindset, barely ever miss a gym day.

  • Lol magnitude? Really? These microcapitalists ruined these kids afternoon with their scam, while the ones these scammers emulate poison them with microplastics and Threaten their ONLY habitat, to the scam shareholder’s applause and most of society considering them aspirational figures, buying the scam of “sometimes companies make a mess, it isn’t their problem or responsibility, and we call this competely valid economic event an externality herp derp 🤡.”

    Also Most corporate run INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY EXPERIENCE exhibitions are only one step up from this in terms of marketing vs reality. They calculated the formula of acceptable customer mark dissatisfaction from intentionally dishonest marketing hype correctly.

    So please, do continue telling me more about the magnitude of these microcapitalist’s microscam.

    sits in Wonka meme pose.

  • Can we start with the con-men hurting/exploiting millions and threatening billions with their “externalities,” capitalist Orwellian shorthand for “I already have your money, so my mess is your problem, you stupid fucking suckers🖕🤑🖕?”

    Because these bottom feeders are just a symptom of the above’s global sociocultural damage. They ruined some kid’s afternoons (but when those grown kids are dying from capitalist made climate change induced Cat 6 superstorms, or hungry from the associated crop failures, or the scammers successfully lobby to catch yet another tax break out of the asses of those kid’s education funding using their unlimited exploitation bucks, 🤷). It might be cathartic to kick their ass, but it’s odd and inconsistent to the extreme considering how comfortable we are with our most prolific con-men being allowed to own, and keep!.. everything, every exploited, scammed dollar, instead of getting their ass kicked as you say.

  • Am I supposed to be mad at these small time con-men capitalists? This is what the modern global economy is all about. Attempting to fuck over the people who aren’t you, attempting to receive the maximum while providing the absolute minimum you can get away with without consequences. Their mistake was only slightly miscalculating that minimum where people would feel cheated but otherwise leave minus their money grumbling, but not enough to make it a weird news of the day story.

    When’s the last time your fast food sandwich looked remotely like the one on all the signs?They look like that sandwich in the ad was a tire that got deflated, deforming under its own weight, at best. Those scammers just had swaths of lawyers and lobbyists to make their false advertising your problem, until now it’s just how it is. Deception is a vital component of market capitalism.

    Why are you harassing these glorious, aspiring job creators acting in rational self-interest?

  • The economy doesn’t care what people aka consumers want anymore. At shareholder insistence of sabotaging the future for a short term stock boost, they merge, buy, and consolidate to eliminate competition, lay off their talent crippling that sector’s ability to provide the product/service they existed to provide in the first place, and laugh all the way to the bank offering broken, useless shadows of once useful products/services because where else you gonna go? We ate the ones that made superior products and put a stop to that bullshit!

    The ultimate goal of capitalism is to end competition. This is the terminal stage. The nowhere left to grow/metastasize fire sale before their grift collapses, with it’s tentacles gripping captured world government’s throats, ready to take them with them as it perishes and the winners run away to their global havens and bunkers, mischief managed, wealth of nations siphoned, pillaged, and stolen.

    Fucking Suckers.