• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • Unfortunately and sadly doesn’t surprise me anymore.

    It shouldn’t surprise you at all. Any notion of “Free Speech” on Internet Platforms was shot in the head during the Trump Presidency and then the corpse was burned at the stake during the Pandemic. There were vast quantities of myopic morons making the arguments “These are private companies, they can do what they want!” along with “You have no right to speech on someone else’s platform!” simply because they approved of what was being done.

    Now the arguments being used by 2017-2022 MAGAtards are being shouted by 2023-2024 Liberals / Progressives.

    It’s pretty obvious that social media as a whole is just a corrupt mess.

    It’s pretty obvious that people are perfectly happy with restrictions on the other person but never themselves.

    People forget that the restrictions they hammer the other person with today are going to be used against them tomorrow. Plan accordingly.

  • I’m somewhat surprised that there’s no purchasable solution to this problem as all of the technology to make a short range drone interdiction system already exist. To detect one all that’s necessary is an appropriate camera setup and a system hooked to it capable of recognizing them, both of which are already prevalent in the market. Add an inexpensive laser range finder so the system can know if the drone is truly over your property and at an altitude acceptable for interception.

    Once that’s done it becomes a matter of how to interdict the drone. One relatively safe option would be for the system to deploy a high speed short range interdiction drone to overfly the other drone and drop something on top of it meant to snarl its rotors, for instance fishing line with weights.

    None of that is necessarily easy but its certainly doable.

  • why isn’t more being done to improve security and find the criminals?

    It is but Law Enforcement and Healthcare I.T. can’t keep up with the growing number of threats and threat actors. From the perspective of someone in Healthcare I.T. I’ve watched lots of money, time, and effort get spent on securing systems but it’s never quite enough and it never happens fast enough.

    MFA all the things, HIPS on everything, EDR on everything, Zero Trust everything, regular patching of all systems, High End Firewalls, encrypt all the things, bi-annual security reviews, DNS Filtering, regular network sweeps for unknown or unmanaged equipment…and you can still end up getting whacked by a 0 Day exploit in a commercial helpdesk tool. (This is what got Change / Optum).

    The criminals typically belong to overseas hacking groups, many of which are in places that Western Law Enforcement can’t reach like Russia, Belarus, China, and North Korea.

    It’s a nearly impossible challenge and it’s never going to end as long as these systems have any path to the public internet.

  • I want a $10000 car that would normally be inflated to $30000 in the US.

    You can’t make that same car in the United States for anything like the same price. Even ignoring the Chinese Governments heavy subsidies there’s still a massive cost gap due to worker compensation, cost of compliance with safety regulations, cost of compliance with environmental regulations, and a whole host of other things.

    The cost of manufacturing in the United States is radically higher than it is in China and that simply isn’t fixable unless you’re going to unwind Union pay deals, remove environmental laws, and reduce safety restrictions.

    You cannot have both, so which are you choosing? Are you going to go with your wallet like a self absorbed capitalist or are you going to support union workers, stronger environmental laws, and more worker safety?

  • You can literally copy / paste either of these commands into an elevated Powershell session. They create the directories needed, go fetch the script from Github, then execute it with the necessary arguments. I’ve run this on Windows 10, Windows 11, and all Windows Server versions from 2016 through 2022.

    This is a “Confirmation” version. It will stop and prompt you before actually changing anything.

    [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory(“C:\winrebackup”); [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory(“C:\tcmds”); cd c:\tcmds; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bash-OverRide/UseFulScripts/master/winre.ps1 -OutFile ./winre.ps1; dir; ./winre.ps1 -BackupFolder c:\winrebackup

    This is a “No Confirmation” version. If the WinRE partition needs expanded it will just do it.

    [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory(“C:\winrebackup”); [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory(“C:\tcmds”); cd c:\tcmds; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bash-OverRide/UseFulScripts/master/winre.ps1 -OutFile ./winre.ps1; dir; ./winre.ps1 -SkipConfirmation $true -BackupFolder c:\winrebackup

    You may see a reboot warning if you have un-applied Windows Updates. In nearly all cases you can safely ignore the warning but the decision is up to the user.

    If it fails with an error about insufficient space to resize the partition and your storage isn’t full then it’s likely that you have immovable files at the end of the primary partition. Turn off Hibernation and System Restore, which will remove those files, then reboot and try again. Remember to turn Hiberation and / or System Restore back on when done. I’ve only seen that happen a couple of times which is why it’s not scripted in, just wasn’t worth the effort.