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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Two men is two more than the bears that wrote in, so it’s a gamble that bears are less likely to cause her harm.

    Anyhow, she doesn’t generalize it to all men, so my brother why are you picking up a hat that doesn’t suit you? That’s sort of her goal, she’s being inflammatory so that the angry responses can prove her right.

    If she wants to go poke at bears in a forest, then god speed and I hope she takes a rifle. I’ll stay home chilling and watching netflix.

  • I feel like you missed the point.

    Webengines are not more complex than a full OS, and yet, Linux works as a community driven project and Chromium does not.

    The difference is that Linus is the one with final say in Linux, and he never sold out to a company. Chromium is Google.

    It will never be a “community” project, because Google pumps so many resources into it. The goal is obvious: to make sure that it’s always ahead of any competitors, and anyone willing to catch up would have to match Google spending.

    The brilliant move here by Google was making it open source. This ensures that no other megacorp needs to fight them, as long as their interests are aligned.

    Edge has died already. Safari will follow. The future is grim.

  • I don’t think they’re really comparable?

    These AI pictures are “make believe”. They’re just a guess at what someone might look like nude, based on what human bodies look like. While apparently they look realistic, it’s still a “generic” nude, kind of how someone would fantasize about someone they’re attracted to.

    Of course it’s creepy, and sharing them is clearly unacceptable as it’s certainly bullying and harassment. These AI nudes say more about those who share them than they do about who’s portrayed in them.

    However, sharing intimate videos without consent and especially as revenge? That’s a whole other level of fucked up. The AI nudes are ultimately “lies” about someone, they’re fakes. Sharing an intimate video, that is betraying someone’s trust, it’s exposing something that is private but very real.