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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • The big companies and official government accounts refuse to move, and the only real alternative is Facebook, which comes with its own set of issues. Plus, users in foreign countries like Asia aren’t involved in US politics and debate and haven’t noticed any real changes except that big, stupid X.

    It’s mostly political content that’s filled with right wing trolls and paid nation state bot runners. If you’re in more obscure communities that Russia / China / Right wing corpos aren’t interested in, it’s just business as usual.

  • The Galaxy S5 was water resistant and had a headphone jack and microSD card too. It set a new standard that unfortunately no one followed up on.

    To this day I wish they’d open-source that design so at the very least, small hobbyists and open source fanatics could try making updates to that design using the same basic frame. I think there’s a large portion of the population that wouldn’t mind having some variation of the Galaxy S5 forever as long as the internals and camera were upgraded every so often.

  • The funny thing is that the stress from jumping all these hoops might actually age him faster. I think I read that lowered stress leads to slower aging. Then there’s just basic stuff like eating better and exercising more, but not exercising too much.

    I read an article by a tai chi teacher who’s in his 70’s and he doesn’t have health problems and said it was due to him doing Tai Chi almost daily, while eating a whole food plant based diet that’s low on meat and dairy.

    On a similar note, my 12 year old dog overcame a bout of severe pancreatitis and had to be put on a prescription diet, but lost 3 pounds (a little over 10% of her body weight) and is getting walked more often and it feels like she’s a much younger dog now. She walks quickly now and with more agility. She can jump better and has tons of energy, and she’s more alert and noticeably thinner and healthier looking.

    Given how obese and sedentary many Americans (and citizens of similar western nations) are a lot can be done with lifespan and healthspan just by making a few simple changes. Like eating / activity level and also lowered stress and more sleep and hydration.

    Of course the REAL root of a lot of our problems is poor work/life balance due to increasing oligarchy, but there are still things we can do, like trying to do a little bit better than we did yesterday, and also fighting the oligarchy.

  • It’s true. Kevin Feige (of the Marvel movies) once said something like, “People love chocolate ice cream, but if that’s all you offer them every day, they’ll start to hate it.” and for a time, it seemed like he and Disney / Marvel understood that, which lead to such a wide range of movie genres for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the breakout successes… but now I feel like they’ve forgotten that, and now we get the formulaic “Marvel Movie” template shoveled out, and now they’re slowly starting to fail.

    And for good reason. People need variety, and it’s because entertainment producers don’t understand this need that so many major studios are flailing. Hence the recent purge at Pixar for example, and why Ubisoft is struggling lately, etc. It’s not just game publishers that have this issue, it’s movies, tv, and comics too. Like the recent “Death” of Ms. Marvel which is eerily similar to all the extremely temporary crap that happened to Peter Parker’s Spiderman in the past, like the “death” of his aunt, or his “marriage” to Mary Jane.

  • It used to be called Bierstadt, for those who know that name and similar alternatives like Grandview, and the other contenders for next new font. I don’t remember exactly how it looked, but I hope it’s one of the ones where a capital I and a lowercase L look different from each other.

    I used to like sans serif until I realized that serif fonts make text more readable and lead to less confusion. For instance, the L / I example earlier, and 0 (Zero) and O (Oh).

  • Ironically, for old stuff at least, Piracy is the only way it’s reliably preserved. Even if you do want to buy it new to support the creators, oft-times you can’t. It’s because I can’t buy it that I turn to piracy. Not just for old games, but sometimes old comics and manga too. Occasionally Anime that’s no longer licensed or available.

    Plus, it’s only going to get worse now, with Streaming services and online platforms delisting anything even that might not make a profit because they don’t want to pay residuals. I’m not big on pirating new releases, but that’s because I think we should support artists. I also think we should call for the creators to be paid more of the profit share vs. the money people at the top who seem to do nothing but fire people and shoot down good ideas to try to make everything the same carbon copy live service.

    I also don’t have to pirate new stuff, because it’ll old stuff on sale at half price (or less) soon enough, and with all the bugs fixed and the features added the way it should have been at launch. My backlog is so huge that I won’t have time to go through it anyway before I die. So there’s another reason I don’t care much about new games. If I’m still interested in them a year or more later when they’re on sale and fixed up, I’ll buy it then.

    As for stuff like Anime and Manga. Anime subscriptions are surprisingly cheap, and so are monthly manga subs if you know where to look. Viz’s Shounen Jump ($3) Vizmanga ($2), Azuki.co ($5), Mangamo (also $5 last I checked)… so long as you only subscribe to one at a time and rotate, you’ll probably never run out, and it’s a lot cheaper than buying it one volume at a time $10 each or whatever.

  • Good news. Like many suspected, Amazon was only maintaining its unrealistically low prices and actually useful search and features to drive its competitors out of business, after which they (as expected) enshitified everything.

    It’s why I kept going to physical stores whenever I could. Nowadays physical stores actually can provide a better experience for similar or cheaper prices. Even if you pay a little bit more, there’s often benefits that come with that too. Knowledgeable advice, hassle free returns and exchanges, being able to see things in person, knowing that you’re only looking at quality products that have been tested and are actually functional and safe, etc.

    It’s sad that you can’t trust that products on Amazon are genuine, safe, and actually functional, but it’s where we’re at.

  • Wow, why do execs keep thinking of this bullshit? They never stop and think, “Wow, I would hate to see this and it’d make me use an adblocker or move to any other platform which is NOT doing this, which is ALL of them right now.”?

    Same with Youtube and its 30 second unskippable ad trials (which I always would respond to by exiting the video AND out of the app on Roku). Plus the ad agencies who don’t stop and think, “Hey this would make me HATE this company and boycott it out of spite rather than buy their product, and it gives ALL of my competitors free advertising because now people forced to watch this will search for our competitors and buy their product just because they hate us now”

    I’ve done this, and found out that the competitors don’t need to advertise because they have a better product for a lower (or the same) price. They also have tons of word of mouth advertising going on both on the internet and in real life.

    If they just asked their own friends and family if it was a good idea (with those who would be honest) they’d find this shit out REAL quick. Hence the existence of books like “Your ad ignored here”.

  • Kind of disappointing for me for 1 reason. When I heard of Google Glass, I thought it might be great for the niche application of having it start recording when you’re looking at your kids or pets in case they might do something cute. Because by the time they’re already doing it, by the time you’ve brought out your phone (or other camera) to record it, it’s already done.

    High-ish res camera glasses that you could start recording with via voice command or a quick button touch would have been a godsend for me to record my dog or various neighborhood dogs and cats doing cute things before they were totally finished with or almost finished with them.

  • Rather than doing this, they should work on the reasons WHY people are using adblockers. Some totally unrelated to ads, like those huge end-cards that block the video that you’re still trying to watch. I use adblockers to remove those.

    You used to be able to turn their predecessors off, but the new ones? I haven’t found a way to turn them off without using ad-blockers. Even with Youtube Premium (which gets rid of the ads) I STILL have ot use U-block origin to get rid of those damned end-cards.