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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024


  • “as a first priority.” Nakasone will “also contribute to OpenAI’s efforts to better understand how AI can be used to strengthen cybersecurity by quickly detecting and responding to cybersecurity threats.”

    So what you’re saying is that the guy is there to setup data collection to feed to the NSA surrounding any and all inputs and ensure that the inputs are not able to be used for any meaningful intelligence actions by US competitors. Got it.

  • Call me an asshole but I think giving driving habit information to insurers is great, so long as good habits are given discounts and bad habits are punished.

    I’m one of those people who would love automatic enforcement of driving laws as well as user reportable incidents of other drivers (given you can provide footage of something you’re reporting.)

    If people don’t like living under the law… maybe the law shouldn’t exist. “That’s the way it is” is a terrible excuse for fucking anything.

    Oh, and make audit trails for this shit public record. Someone creating AI videos or fake reports? Punish that too. It’ll never happen though. People want laws for others, not themselves.

  • There’s a lot of issues and there’s a lot of nuanced factors. I can’t even begin to cover all the ones I know about, let alone know them all.

    High up in politics there is no meeting in the middle, the other party is the enemy. You’re in the club or outside of the club, that’s it. That same attitude trickles down to workplaces and social circles. If you want to work with the other team you get put on the sidelines, minimized, have your funding cut, miss out on a promotion. It’s essentially join or die, and often times you see people throwing death threats at the other side online where they presume they are anonymous.

    Then there’s Education. It’s mostly dogmatic. It’s not about teaching life skills, it’s about teaching people to be good workers and to follow along with the status quo with a sprinkling of whatever political ideology runs the state/town. That doesn’t help, but changing any of it is highly political.

    Universities tend to be liberal, and the highly conservative jobs tend to not require those degrees. You can be a master electrician right out of vocational school, why would you go to a university? If you do have a four year degree, why would you want to work in construction where the environment is so much rougher?

    Plus there’s the gender gap…

    Too much nuance for a comment on social media. This is already way too long. I see no way to fix the system either given that changes need sponsorship by the ones who benefit from the system today.

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eeto4chan@lemmy.worldAnon's son died
    2 months ago

    Hey i’m not here to make friends or anything. I don’t even care of people get angry. The contractors vote for the orange man here even in deep blue Massachusetts.

    If you took only the people physically on any major construction site and they were the voting majority, it would be plastered red across the board with an ultra minority of democrat votes (20% or less.)