• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Short answer no.
    Plex works by having a centralised server run by Plex themselves, that facilitates your client connecting to your server.

    The external facing part of Jellyfin server is basically a web server, and it’s a bad idea to expose that to the internet without putting a reverse proxy in front of it (hence the mention of NGINX above).
    Another option is to have a VPN connection to where you are running Jellyfin and then only access Jellyfin pseudo locally (so potential security problems aren’t a big concern). This introduces other complications if you want to access it remotely via things like Roku or Chromecast, especially if you have multiple external (and probably not tech savvy) users.

    I want to stress that none of this is prohibitively expensive or hard, but doing it involves learning and effort.
    All the information and programs you need are available online for free.

    If you only wanted to use Jellyfin at home (server in the cupboard, client on the tv), none of this other stuff matters. If you want to access Jellyfin remotely, and the idea of running a reverse proxy or a vpn server with the corresponding exposed ports and domain configuration sounds scary, Jellyfin is probably not for you.

  • it’ll work just like SMS does now

    I agree with this part of your statement 100%.
    It will work POORLY.

    Whether it’s in the same app or simply a different colour like SMS is currently, it’ll be a half assed implementation, designed to segregate your iphone and android friends.

    Got an existing iphone group chat? Bet you can’t add an RCS participant to it.
    Create a new RCS group chat so you can include everyone? Bet it’s missing features that you’d get in imessage.
    Receive a high resolution video from a friend via imessage? Forward that to another friend via RCS and they’ll receive 5 blurry pixels.

    And throughout all of this, apple will blame the RCS protocol and say “We’re actively working with GSMA to improve RCS”.

    No one trusts apple for the very simple reason that they have a habit of saying the quiet part out loud: Tim Cook Says ‘Buy Your Mom An iPhone’

  • There’s some gotchas in Apples statement:

    They have promised to implement “RCS Universal Profile”
    This means the bare minimum, not the advanced features implemented by Google and Samsung etc.
    An example of a missing feature from Universal Profile is end to end encryption.

    They also said: “This will work alongside iMessage, which will continue to be the best and most secure messaging experience for Apple users.”
    The implication of this is that it won’t be in the iMessage app, it will be in a separate but official app, siloing your Android friends from your iPhone friends.

    When this comes out, every European is going to shrug and keep using Whatsapp.

  • FOSS is enshitification-hardened, not proof.

    VLC remains awesome because the guy (maybe Jean-Baptiste Kempf?) that controls the project has refused to be bought, has in fact refused HUGE sums of money.

    The original author of any project has to right to sell it with the corresponding licence changes at any time.
    There’s some legal grey area on something like Linux or VLC which have MANY MANY developer hands in the pie, and existing users could certainly fork off the existing releases, but VLC could pivot tomorrow to a for profit company and make future releases of the official VLC a paid product, if they choose too.