• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Isn’t that interesting…

    The anbility to prevent the getting-out of evidence of what the authorities do to the locals…

    Just like the unconstitutional state-laws which criminalize capturing-of-video-evidene of police executing people…

    “I wonder” if this would ever be abused by anti-accountability authorities…

    ( remember that the whole Christian religion is founded on a guy who was a kind of whistleblower, & had spikes hammered through his wrists, in his crucifixion, for his calling the legalists “hypocrites”…

    I wonder how “Christian” he’d find them to be, if he returned, & saw what they’re doing? )

    Human nature & demon nature seem … related?

    or is that too harsh?

    … perhaps … but wasn’t the Inquisition demon-law in the name of benJoseph?


    _ /\ _

  • This escalation will continue,

    until big-tech forces the governments to kneel to the surveillance-capitalism biggest:

    They will simply say something like:

    "Either your government removes laws, regulations, accountability, etc, from us,

    XOR we are hamstringing your country: we OWN you, we POSSESS you, & you will obey OUR rule."

    I guarantee this will be happening between now & 2036.

    Remember how they can ratchet-up a genocide, anywhere??

    They’ve already done so, in some places…

    ( Facebook & … was it Myanmar? as 1 example )

    _ /\ _

  • This is inevitable:

    Once the people in China can only see the CCP’s version of everything,

    & ALL stuff has been adulterated, either by AI or by some agency-or-other,

    THEN dissent should die-down in the Chinese population:

    Read Lanier’s “Foreign to Familiar” to understand how Tropical-Culture vs Nordic-Culture shapes people, & how old-cultures vs new-cultures shape people,

    then read Hofstede’s “Exploring Culture” to understand the dimensions of culture that his Cultural Dimensions Theory digs into ( power-distance, uncertainty-avoidance, “success”-orientation, & other dimensions )…

    & when you understand how we’re kind of “template” people, before being born into culture,

    but once born into it, our entire meaning gets framed within whatever culture we were born into…

    therefore, the CCP can simply remove most diversity-of-meaning from their completely-possessed-population, through a generation or 2 of that.

    Tibetan, Uyghur, Hongkonger, Taiwanese, Indian, South-Korean, Japanese, the intent is consistent: "the destruction of " … others … “is the midwife of Chinese supremacy”.

    I expect a similar kind of program to exist in all right-possessed countries, as the right is doing in the US, right now, with burning or banning books, eradicating proper education, suppressing libraries, etc, they’re just doing the same thing as what the CCP’s doing, only less-skillfully, is all.

    No real difference in their deeper heart/motivation/intent, though: supremacism, crushing/destroying all “other” kinds.

    Russia’s big on it, too, isn’t it?


    The “Crusades” were good examples of this kind of idiocy?

    The “Inquisition”?

    The “Buddhist” genociding of Tamils?

    So long as the “home” story is … “coherent”, & “justifies” all, then … kids grow up … believing, right?

    There’s a book, & a Big Think yt video, on “Collective Illusions”, which is important!

    Please invest in seeing that video, & see how it’s actually a delusion-mechanism in our minds…

    …used by political-forces, yes, but they couldn’t use it if it didn’t exist, could they?

    _ /\ _

  • I read that Scarlett’s family & friends couldn’t tell it apart from her actual voice.

    I’d say that “Open AI” or whatever they’re called, trained it specifically on only her voice.

    The seems-narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopath-CEO whats-his-face tried to get her to agree to this,

    she wouldn’t agree,

    he tweeted “her” when releasing the update ( after Scarlett’s movie )

    she lawyered up,

    he backed down…

    I’d say it’s a clear case of identity-theft-for-profit of a celebrity, by a consistently narcissistic-machiavellian-sociopath who’s kinda leaving lots of corpses of “integrity” all over the place.

    There’s some law which protects celebrities from use of their likeness, and rightly:

    it’s their “coin” that their career is made-of, right?

    _ /\ _

  • When a handful of monopolies decide that no factchecking will be seen by anybody, anymore,

    and only profitable-to-their-dictatorship disinformation will be seen,

    then humanity will not have any means of countering that:

    it will be too late.

    We are “the frog dropped into the slowly-heating pot of water”.

    People pretend that monopoly is “maybe” harmful, economically, but it is an existential-threat to countries, and with globalization, now to civil-rights as a valid-category.

    _ /\ _

  • the healthiest alarm-clock I know-of is simply to have 2 lamps on wall-plug timers, such that the warm-white one comes on 1st, then say 5mins later, the daylight one comes on.

    Given how the beginning of sunshine changes through the year, you have to change these timers every couple of weeks, or 1/2-month, but that’s a small price to pay for quiet, biochemistry-altering waking up that actually works properly.

    Not an app, but it is an alarm-clock, and it wakes one up well, using the very skin-light-sensing system we are evolved to be using, instead of using some noisemaker, as “normal” alarm-clocks do.

    _ /\ _

  • I remember somebody was doing 3D-woven composites, possibly for spacecraft, some years ago…

    This is essentially the same idea, but with nanotubes.

    This suggests that weaving reinforcement tow through the layers of the layup would be structurally-significant, if it were done densely-in-pattern, enough…

    In aerospace, maybe it’d be structurally significant ( aircraft have, iirc, only a 10% margin in structural-strength, though that may be just the aluminum semi-monocoque builds )

  • SanDisk usb-keys work.

    You really want to use the thing for read-only, though, if you can:

    the writes it takes to kill some portion of a filesystem, vs the writes you get before corrupting things, on a USB driver, don’t line-up.

    Use NVMe as your 1st-choice for storage ( future purchases, obviously ), the fastest you can get, and be stunned by how much faster the same motherboard is, with superfast OS storage…

    I’d stick /home, not /usr, on the USB.

  • IF JBOD, && Linux, THEN yes you can know, through SMARTTOOLS, or something like that…

    However, I can’t imagine how you’d get 2 separate PCIe

    ( presuming NVMe devices …

    … no, this thing must be presuming SATA, NOT NVMe …

    even in SATA, there’s no bifurcator for SATA, I don’t think:

    SAS has expanders, which can take a single SAS channel & attach something like 128 SAS devices onto it,

    PCIe has some kind of equivalent, and there is a PCIe card which crams loads of NVMe’s into it, out in the last year, but SATA??

    Hmm… )


  • I have read that the actuality includes a loophole you didn’t speak of:

    Once someoen owns shares, they can privately-sell them, or give them away, or will them to someone…

    Once enough people have done this, the “private” company becomes actually publically-traded, though not on any exchange…

    …creating some legal difficulties, re regulations.

    From that bit, which I never would have known to even consider ( some article I read, some years ago ), then it looks like people can sell their shares to another private-individual.

    Maybe some jurisdictions prohibit that.

    I don’t know, I’m just identifying an angle people apparently haven’t commonly considered.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf hosted LLM
    7 months ago

    Thanks to this post, and the other comments in here, I’ve discovered that the ultimate ui for ai-models may well be


    and on HuggingFace ( that name is aweful: to me it is the creepy-horrible FaceHugger, from the movie Alien, that I saw so many decades ago ) TheBloke has some models which are smaller


    so you can choose a model that will actually-work on your hardware.

    I think Llama-2 for brainstorming & CodeLlama-instruct for learning programming examples seems to be the cleanest pair, from what I’ve read, and he’s got GGUF versions with different quantizations, so you can choose what will actually-fit on your hardware.

    There are other models on huggingface which seem very useful, like

    • whisper-large-v3 for speech-to-text,
    • whisperspeech for text-to-speech,
    • sdxl-turbo for image-making ( for some copyright-free subjects to practice drawing with ), and so-on…

    Some models require GPU, not all.

    Damn things moved fast!