• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I had been using Linux for home and work for the past 10 years, dual booting for games mostly (do basically only to use steam).

    Recently I had to change jobs and was given a windows laptop. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that the candy crush ad is still present on corporate devices. In a $3500 workstation from a fortune 50. What the hell.

    I managed to get a Mac instead. IT is still laughing about me for asking Linux instead

  • What on earth are you taking about?? I’m telling you that “no money = Linux” is a bad argument and you come back with a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

    I’m not even giving an argument, I’m telling you you have no argument. You’re the one that should be explaining your theory.

    Dude, chill a bit. Take some fresh air and stay away from sharp objects.

  • India is not the most financially constrained country in the world by far. If the explanation was just that, we would see a very direct correlation with the rest of the countries that are similarly constrained.

    Now, if instead of making rethoric questions you could maybe offer some arguments you would definitely be more helpful.