Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Maybe I’m too young or just had bad luck, but ALL the interactions I’ve ever had with Internet forums have been unbelievably awful. Whenever I asked a question, I was asked why I wanted to know that and was lectured that my reasons were stupid, bad, or wrong (how is that even possible?). People hijacked my post and talked about anything else, and I received NO answer whatsoever! This kind of thing happened way too often, regardless of the type of forum. This occurred in Skyrim forums, Coh2 forums, PC forums, aquarium forums, … I hate forums. It’s good that they are dying, and I, for one, will not miss them at all.

  • anderen sozialistischen Europa-Parteien Stimmen abgezogen

    Weil Stimmen ja auch immer normalverteilt werden… Ist nicht die Schuld das die anderen Parteien nicht Überzeugen konnten, nein es die von VOLT die in die Wahlkabinen gestürmt sind und den Leuten die Stimmen aus den Händen gerissen haben.

    Am besten machen wir einfach nur eine Partei! Dann klaut niemand irgendwem die Stimmen! Weil Demokratie ja genauso am besten funktioniert. Je weniger Parteien desto besser! /S 🥸