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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • I would hardly consider that pricing insane. Consumer TVs are massively subsidized by the smart tech built into them, in some cases by up to 60%. Plus, they are often fragile with cheaper components because they are expected to be mounted in “safe” places away from unusual conditions or extreme temperatures.

    Considering the more robust construction (for commercial use) and lack of subsidization, I would consider those prices to be spot-on and rather reasonable.

  • rekabis@lemmy.catohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    29 days ago

    The moment your hair cells leave the pores on the skin of your head

    Even before that. You pull a hair out, and if that specific hair follicle was still growing you should see a teeny-tiny bulb at the very end. That bulb can be up to a mm beneath the skin. The widest part of that bulb is where the hair cells begin dying and drying out. By the time it shrinks down to the width of the rest of the hair (and long before it emerges from the pore), all the cells in that section are dead. Only the base of the bulb has living, growing hair cells.

  • rekabis@lemmy.catohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    29 days ago

    As long as that’s her own hair, I think that is hella nifty. It says she had the personal discipline to grow her hair out, but then also wanted the option for switching back and forth between long and short hair on her own schedule, and not tied to her follicular performance.

    If it’s not, it’s just as superficial and fake as any other hair extension.

    And I would say this about anyone, not just women. Hell, if I could do the same with my beard in a way that actually looked decent and would not be widely ridiculed, I would seriously consider it. Because just like long hair, while any mountain man can sport a scraggly mess, a good beard takes years of discipline to grow into a well-coiffed mane.

  • Any brands protected by American law must be independently-owned, with full transfer of all branding, patents, trade secrets, intellectual assets and physical assets.

    So, for example, for even a single bottle of Perrier to be sold in America, it needs to have been made by a company registered with the brand name of Perrier, with exclusive use of that name within the country, independently owned and under zero control by Nestle, being manufactured using the exact same process with the exact same ingredients, and having control of the exact same patents and American-side infrastructure.

    America is such a large marketplace that it would be impossible to split a company like this. Patents alone would prevent this, forcing Nestle to divest themselves of each individual subsidiary.

  • Honestly, there is a subtle but distinct difference between hardback and hardcover.

    A hardback book has the cover fully designed with graphics, as it is meant to be seen.

    A hardcover has a minimalist cover, without any designs since the dust jacket is what is visually flashy and attractive and is meant to be seen.

    Otherwise, the two are structurally identical, only with the hardcover having an extra protective layer in the dust jacket.

  • His router is tri-band though meaning it has 2 5ghz transceivers.

    Unfortunately, for many models - like the Linksys WRT 3200ACM - that second antenna (technically the third one if you include the 2.4Ghz one) doesn’t function at all without the manufacturer’s firmware. It’s a dead stick with any third-party firmware, and is 100% software-enabled.

    I have found this fact to be reliable whether it is DD-WRT or OpenWRT, and across several different manufacturers including Asus and D-Link.

  • What makes the built-in database easier to attack than a separate one?

    For performance reasons, early versions weren’t even encrypted, and later versions were encrypted with easily-cracked encryption. Most malware broke the encryption on the password DB using the user’s own hardware resources before it was even uploaded to the mothership. And not everyone has skookum GPUs, so that bit was particularly damning.

    Plus, the built-in password managers operated within the context of the browser to do things like auto-fill, which meant only the browser needed to be compromised in order to expose the password DB.

    Modern password managers like BitWarden can be configured with truly crazy levels of encryption, such that it would be very difficult for even nation-states to break into a backed-up or offline vault.

  • Redpill and Blackpill, I’m assuming.


    Interesting how the first thing you reach for is the ad hominem of tying anything RP/BP to being “incel-speak”, in an attempt to silence any discussion in favour of the ideological narrative.

    Yes, there are men in those communities who are despondent of ever having any “success” as society has defined it. That they face massive systemic barriers to success that they cannot affect, and extreme social punishments for failing to achieve that externally-imposed definition of “success”.

    Throwing blame onto those who impose the rules is an understandable response by these men. An Immature, counterproductive, and inappropriate response, yes. But considering so many men have built their entire identity around societal lies and behaviours that were explicitly engineered to harm their chances of “success”, it is hardly a surprising response.

    That’s why MGTOW exists - to show them that there is a path to life fulfilment and even happiness that does not hang from the sharp hooks of female (and societal!) approval. That there is a way to live that does not involve external blame and self-defeating hatred.

    But most any RP/BP forum I have ever stuck my nose into has also had a fair amount of direct links to actual scientific research and/or real-world evidence which supports the female nature and behaviour that they have been experiencing and observing themselves. It doesn’t mean that they had any legitimacy in complaining or being upset about it, only that it wasn’t all in their head - it’s an actual IRL thing.

    In other words, RP/BP is the “detox” from the societal brainwashing and psy-ops manipulation that most men have been subjected to all their lives, allowing them to truly understand why women do and act in the way that they do. MGTOW is the recovery that refocuses their attitude to intrinsic motivation and happiness, allowing them to live freely without any need for women.

    And of course, a large proportion of women find that last sentence deeply frightening. A man who don’t need no woman? Who can live entirely on his own, happy and content? Heresy! It must be suppressed with all the social/verbal violence that can be brought to bear!

    Hence, the derogatory term “incel”. It exists for no other reason than to shame men into compliance, as a thought-terminating cliché.

  • Recommending Men Going Their Own Way doesn’t bode well in regards to your opinion

    So working on yourself and improving yourself, building self-respect, setting personal standards that you refuse to compromise on, and focusing on intrinsic motivation is somehow “not boding well”?

    What a weird way of punching down.

    And for decades now, women have been screaming at men to “leave me alone”, for men to not bother them or approach them or hit on them or engage with them in any way unless engaged with first… yet you have issues with men who do exactly that? You have problems with men whose entire philosophy is to ignore women in exactly the ways that women have been demanding?

    Again, what a strangely hypocritical criticism.

    The entire point of MGTOW is to give men a path out of “incel-dom”, to show them that there is an alternative path to fulfilment and peace and effective happiness that is entirely self-achievable because it does not hang on the sharp hooks of female approval. That any man can fully divest themselves of this cycle of bigotry and external blame and the bigoted societal expectations of men to focus on what truly matters - themselves.

    And in our society where ¾ of all suicide victims are men, we desperately need more men to focus on themselves, first.

  • You will get fatter unless you eat less and less for the rest of your life, probably starting around 32

    The healthier you eat, the more difficult it will be to become and stay overweight.

    A McDonalds hamburger with a medium fries and medium drink is 1,200 calories. This is almost trivial for most people to eat.

    Conversely, 1 lb of lean ground beef, 2 cups of rice (when dry), 2cups of vegetables with a dessert of two cups of fruit is also 1,200 calories, yet represents almost 3× the amount of food when fully prepared.

    Eat healthy raw foods, and viciously limit your intake of highly processed foods, and you will likely remain decently slim without even trying.

  • Control your sex drive or it will be used to control you, and invariably very much against your own best interests.

    I got lucky, and found my own partner quite early on (28 years together, now). But I did not stop observing other couples around me, and those men who failed to adequately control their own sex drive were the ones who almost always were taken advantage of and manipulated against their own best interests.

    Ironically, RP (and to an extent, BP) information is a great base to understand how you can and will be manipulated, with MGTOW a good framework to insulate yourself against manipulation. Just understand that blaming others is a toxic and counterproductive path, seek to improve yourself to make RP/BP truths work with you and your best interests, and not against you.