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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Sir Terry is all to easy to quote. This one always gets me thinking:

    "There had been that Weapons Law, for a start. Weapons were involved in so many crimes that, Swing reasoned, reducing the number of weapons had to reduce the crime rate. Vimes wondered if he’d sat up in bed in the middle of the night and hugged himself when he’d dreamed that one up. Confiscate all weapons, and crime would go down. It made sense.

    It would have worked, too, if only there had been enough coppers—say, three per citizen. Amazingly, quite a few weapons were handed in. The flaw, though, was one that had somehow managed to escape Swing, and it was this: criminals don’t obey the law. It’s more or less a requirement for the job. They had no particular interest in making the streets safer for anyone except themselves. And they couldn’t believe what was happening. It was like Hogswatch every day.

    Some citizens took the not-unreasonable view that something had gone a bit askew if only naughty people were carrying arms. And they got arrested in large numbers.

    The average copper, when he’s been kicked in the nadgers once too often and has reason to believe that his bosses don’t much care, has an understandable tendency to prefer to arrest those people who won’t instantly try to stab him, especially if they act a bit snotty and wear more expensive clothes than he personally can afford.

    The rate of arrests shot right up, and Swing had been very pleased about that. Admittedly, most of the arrests had been for possessing weaponry after dark, but quite a few had been for assaults on the Watch by irate citizens.

    That was Assault On A City Official, a very important and despicable crime, and, as such, far more important than all these thefts that were going on everywhere. It wasn’t that the city was lawless. It had plenty of laws. It just didn’t offer many opportunities not to break them.

    Swing didn’t seem to have grasped the idea that the system was supposed to take criminals and, in some rough-and-ready fashion, force them into becoming honest men. Instead, he’d taken honest men and turned them into criminals. And the Watch, by and large, into just another gang."

    And that from a liberal Englishman. I was taken aback reading Monstrous Regiment. "Did this guy write a book full of trans characters 21-years ago?! (Honestly, it got a little silly at the end with all the characters ending up trans, and a couple gay I think.)

  • Habitat for Humanity. People seem to shy away, thinking it’s a free house program for the utterly destitute. Nope!

    They put people in affordable homes, with a legit mortgage, who otherwise might be shut out of the market.

    Ex-wife started us on the program. We worked it, and I’m typing this from my forever home, $600/mo. and paid off in a total of 19-years. No property tax, no mortgage interest, cost of the home is what you sign for. And it’s brand new or totally gutted and redone. Most are new, appliances and all.

    My credit was shit from medical debt, they don’t even look. BUT, you have to make a payment plan with every creditor, and pay on time. They don’t officially favor families, but I’m sure it helps. OTOH, old girl across the street got hers with her 85-yo momma.

    We did 300-hours of classroom work and volunteering in the field. The Habitat Restore was our favorite Saturday afternoon. But we nailed and painted and laid sod as well. No, you don’t build your own home, you build your neighbor’s homes. Sodded and mounted my neighbor’s lawn and mailbox! Neat!

    I’ll answer all I can, but programs vary from region to region. If you’re truly interested, email me: blade runner blues @ gmail. (My DMs are all jacked up on Lemmy, and I won’t see replies unless I remember to dig.)

    Worst anyone can do is volunteer. I’ve never done such satisfying charity work. Call your local chapter!

    And praise be to Jimmy Carter, blessing be unto him.

  • Fired and unfired pistol, rifle and shotgun ammo. I think I could give an interesting talk on the differences and the history of various cartridges, no fine details, only a broad overview. To keep it fun, I’d sprinkle in lots of things most people probably don’t know.

    For example, did you know an AR-15 round is actually kinda wimpy, especially compared to a typical hunting round? In some states, ARs are illegal to hunt with because the bullet is deemed too small to make a clean kill. It’s basically a hauling ass .22.

    And .22s are a neat topic by themselves. There’s crazy variety out there, even tracers!