• overload@sopuli.xyz
    26 days ago

    Even if you’re not on social media, you’ll probably still have a shadow profile on Google/Metas servers. My 13 month old baby has a library of images searchable in Google photos and a profile photo in the app. It’s convenient, but incredibly creepy.

      • overload@sopuli.xyz
        26 days ago

        It’s not opt-in as far as I’m aware. Just using Google photos makes it so. I suppose I’m deep enough in the google ecosystem (well, let’s say my wife is not going to move away from it) to be desensitised to how messed up it kind of is.

        I was more talking about how other people (i.e. your friends) will take photos of you and post it on social media or even just keep them in their google photos, and meta/google will build a shadow profile for you without your consent via facial recognition.

        • scrion@lemmy.world
          26 days ago

          No, but it’s opt-out, and it is your responsibility to ensure that stuff like this doesn’t happen - full disclaimer, that is my personal opinion. Pictures of third parties that did not give explicit consent for each and every picture shouldn’t be uploaded to cloud providers etc., let alone pictures of kids and other parties who are unable to give proper consent.

          My wife is incredibly careless with these things. She wants to know how to properly operate her smartphone and wants to care about e. g. privacy, and on paper, she does - but in practice, we do a 2 hour long session, I explain all the settings to her, where to find them, why they are important, what implications certain actions / options have for security, safety and even keeping her phone in working order, yet as soon as she walks out the door, she no longer cares one bit, will blindly click to accept all kinds of EULAs and default options, never investigate what the notifications about failed backups mean, never delete obsolete / already backed up data etc. up to a point where her phone no longer works and she then instructs Google Photos to upload multiple years of family pictures full of private moments, multiple children etc. to Google.

          The UI is crappy enough so you’ll spend a significant amount of time deleting the pictures remotely, absolutely infuriating. I was furious, in particular because I can’t say that removing the pictures will also reverse all the potential consequences of sharing all your pictures with Google.

          For reference, Google Photos does offer facial recognition, stores and estimates locations and even estimates activities based on media content.

          IMHO, being this negligent is not excusable in this day and age.

          • activ8r@sh.itjust.works
            26 days ago

            I agree with you mostly, and thank you for giving such a passionate and important response.

            The problem is not the people though. Placing the “blame” or responsibility on the victims of this invasive behaviour is not the correct conclusion. These settings are deliberately obfuscated and people are uneducated on privacy and how it relates to technology. This is not their fault. Life is far too complicated to place yet another burden on the individual who already has so much to think about. The change needs to come from the people, yes, but it is not the people who need to change.

            • scrion@lemmy.world
              26 days ago

              You are correct. It was probably not perfectly clear from my response, but I do not want to blame the individual here.

              Naturally, the “Backup all my files” setting should not be opt-out, and when opting in, there should be easy and succinct explanations of what the implications are.

              Lemmy as a whole is apparently a very technical community, so we often tend to forget that an understanding of these implications does not come naturally to all users, and that there are people that need a phone just like everyone else, but might not be in a position to acquire the knowledge required to make an informed decision.

              I am fully with you regarding your conclusion, up to a point where I applaud regulatory action that protects customer interests, including privacy. I do not believe that companies will sort out these problems (or in any form of liberal “self regulation”, really) on their own, since it’s not in their interest to do so.

              I guess I wanted to express that while things are obfuscated and software is full of malicious anti-patterns, we do have to take extra care to protect ourselves, and, as was the topic here, our kids. I still actively try to work on changing the current status though, politically or by making political decisions, e. g. looking at open source / projects that are more aligned with what I’d consider to be in the best interest of users, and I’d encourage everyone to do the same.

  • Dkarma@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Lol the idea that you need consent to look at someone’s publicly posted pictures is laughably wrong.

    • Emmy@lemmy.nz
      25 days ago

      View is not the same as “use in a commercial enterprise to turn a profit”. Only a fool would think that’s the same thing.

  • the_doktor@lemmy.zip
    26 days ago

    Where do you think AI gets all of its information?

    There’s nothing left to do but ban AI. If we can’t even agree to this, we are absolutely lost.

      • the_doktor@lemmy.zip
        25 days ago

        You have a system that steals copyrighted materials, sucks up power, and spits out constantly wrong and occasionally dangerous “facts”, something created by people that can be removed from our world by having governments step in and forbid its use, and you think it’s like a natural constant of the world?

        Go fuck yourself. With a sharp stick. You are part of the problem right now along with the fucking fascist right-wing assholes. Go away.

          • the_doktor@lemmy.zip
            25 days ago

            “Using LLMs for so-called ‘artificial intelligence’ computing solutions, being anti-human, inefficient, and encouraging the theft of public data, is no longer allowed.”

            Wow, that was hard. “BUT PEOPLE WILL STILL DO IT!!!” Murder is illegal and people still do it. That’s why we have enforcement of laws.

            • ITGuyLevi@programming.dev
              24 days ago

              Believe me, I love debating laws and policy, but I’m 99% sure you’re taking the piss and any discussion wouldn’t be in good faith.

              If you aren’t just trolling, take a few minutes to read up on why the US (and every country with the capability) hasn’t decided to dismantle their entire nuclear stockpile, or stopped research into nuclear weapons. If you don’t have time, the 10,000 foot overview is no one wants to fall behind, if they do they they fear that they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves against the same… AI is no different, tell the world to stop researching it and all you guarantee is that countries that don’t listen to the global community will outpace the ones that “play fair”.

              • the_doktor@lemmy.zip
                24 days ago

                Where the fuck did you get your discussion of fucking nuclear weapons to inject into this discussion? Did you need some bullshit topic that you can use to divert people from the fact that I’m completely fucking right and you’re talking out of your goddamn ass? This isn’t even close to the concept of the nuclear stalemate; this is a country choosing to do what is right and if other countries want to allow their companies and citizens to destroy copyright and waste power, then that’s their problem. If you equate global thermonuclear war with us not being able to generate fucking AI porn and getting out of your writing assignments by asking AI to do it for you, you have a serious learning disability.

                • ITGuyLevi@programming.dev
                  22 days ago

                  Dude, you jumped from “theft” to murder in under 50 words, no need for the hostilities and it doesn’t have the slightest thing to do with “AI porn” or answering writing prompts. While that can be a use of AI, its similar to the way you can use a pizza cutter to slice cheese if you want (even if that’s not what it excels at).

                  In a digital age, the ability to train a model on a specific topic and use it to automatically iterate through an instruction set (while “learning” about outcomes outside of the original training material), can be the difference between thinking your infrastructure is secure or actually securing it.

                  LLMs have their use in the world, a lot more use than stuff like copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Ever wonder why you can easily get a cheap ripoff of patented goods? Its because not all countries follow the laws of other countries.

                  All that being said, you don’t have to agree, it changes nothing and having opposing views actually makes the world a better place as it spurs discussion and thought. Thank you for being part of such a great community, and thank you for engaging with me and others!

  • helpImTrappedOnline@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    The way I see it, if they’re too young to have scocial media, they’re too young to be on scocial media.

    It’s real odd when you consider how society is now okay with parents posting pictures of our children openly for the world to see. Yet when the kids start sharing pictures of them selves to friends it’s super dangerous for them.

    The sad part is now private photos are at risk with all the cloud minning and “AI” crap. The idea that no matter how much I lock down my privacy, simply sending a picture of my kid to their grandma, who will save it to her auto-cloud phone gallary, is still going to feed that picture to the collective is sickening.