Wow. I don’t remember this at all.
Very likely because only rich people would have been able to afford these back then.
Nah I’m pretty sure every Chuck-E-Cheese had something nearly identical to this during the 1980s and '90s. They even went up in the air and only cost a nickel.
Could probably buy a house for that back then.
$105,000 in 2025 money.
Darth Vader’s use of (YouTube link)
JP would love it.
What do you think? Does it frighten you??
I wish this was real and mass produced
Like something you would have seen in Sharper Image or SkyMall catalogs back in the day.
Hammacher Schlemmer for sure! So much ridiculous shit for insane prices back in the day.
I am positive I saw this used in a fairly low budget 80s movie, but I can’t remember which one. I’ll be honest, I love it. There is a 0% chance my wife would let me bring it into the house even if I got it for free though.